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First Two Weeks in Romania

I have been in Romania for about two weeks now. To be honest, it feels like it has been much longer than just two weeks. These weeks have been very emotional, taxing, and sanctifying. I can already see God working in me, the camp, and those around me.

Leaving the states was a little harder than I expected. I am a very independent person and don't easily get homesick when leaving. However, adding a new baby nephew into the picture made it a little harder. I will miss Camden very much and am sad I won't get to see him grow in these early years first hand. Yet I know I am doing God's will and that He will support me when I get sad that I am missing out on things back home. It definitely helped knowing that the Travis team, including my parents would be in Romania only one week after I left. I also have loved getting to bring my friend Elaine along with me for five weeks this summer introducing her to everyone and showing her around.

I felt spiritual warfare from the first plane I got onto on my way to Bucharest. I felt scared, nervous, and simply panicked about what I was doing. I felt doubtful that I was going to be able to do what God had called me to and I was scared that of the unknown. It is easy to prepare mentally from home, but once you are on that plane not coming back it is harder to convince yourself that you are not afraid. I know that God is sovereign, has a plan, and will give me strength but it was hard for me in those moments to get past the head knowledge and feel this peace in my heart. Please pray for me and that God's peace would surround me and lift me up. Ask that God would strip me of any selfishness and doubt and allow me to rely fully on Him.

We spent the first week working in the office preparing for camp, catching up with some of my old friends, and exploring Bucharest. I learned (after many many rides) how to use the tram and actually pay for the ride. We also explored multiple parks and saw the area where I am planning on living these next two years. Preparing for camp was time consuming but a great time to get mentally and physically ready for camp and pray for all the campers who will come through our doors.

We arrived in Targoviste, Romania a week and a half ago and finished preparations for camp here on site. The Travis team arrived very late Saturday night and campers arrived Sunday night. We had a great week of camp with over 60 campers. Many children chose to accept Christ into their hearts last week. God did some amazing things in the kids' lives and it was a joy to work beside Him to accomplish His plan.

We have spent the weekend resting, rehearsing, and preparing for another week of camp. We can't wait for the next group of campers to come and hear about the Good News of Christ, some for the first time. Please be praying for the next week of campers and that God would lift the veil of misunderstanding and confusion and allow them to fully understand the Gospel for the first time. Pray that the counselors and staff would have energy, wisdom, and patience to pour into the campers. Lastly, please pray for the few Americans (including my parents) who are here this week and that God would do a mighty work through them as they preach and lead bible studies and activities.

Thank you for all the kind words and messaged I received as I left and embarked on this journey. I give all glory to God and ask that He be glorified in all I do here in Romania. Please keep camp in your prayers this summer as we have six more weeks of camp.

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