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A Promise-keeping God

Almost two months into this semester and God has already been teaching me so much. This season has proved to be one of expectation, faith, and guidance, yet it has also proven to contain times of doubt, anxiety, fear, and sorrow. God continues to reveal His promises to me and encourages me greatly.

As I began the scary task of fundraising, I was scared, nervous, and tentative. Yet God has showed me that if He is the one who has called me to His mission, He will provide. I am so thankful for all of those who have already chosen to partner with me and support my ministry in Romania. I am seeking to raise two full years of support based off of one-time gifts and commitments to monthly support. I have raised 50% of my commitments. We serve a providing God. I am so thankful for willing hearts and devoted followers of God that feel called to partner with my ministry. It is thanks to your faith that I am able to follow God’s call on my life.

I am so blessed to have so many intentional, fierce, and God-fearing friends here in Waco. Knowing that our days are numbered that we are able to make late night Target and Pokey O’s runs or drive 45 minutes out of town to stargaze brings me so much sorrow. These friends have supported me and led me closer to Christ and I cannot put into words how hard it will be to leave them. But there is a season for everything. I ask God for grace and support as I seek to see the joy in these friendships, rather than the sorrow that accompanies our inevitable physical separation in a few months.

It is easy to spend this time focusing only on preparing for my move this summer. However, God has shown me that wherever we are, is where we are called to serve Him. My ministry will be in Romania soon, but I am in Waco now and should seek to glorify God in whatever way is possible now. There is so much challenge that comes with being present and trying to grow here and now when I know I will be leaving so soon, but I have seen the fruit of serving God here in Waco.

I would love to portray the image that I only feel overjoyed and excited about moving to Romania so soon. This is what I have been looking forward to and have been so excited about for many years, yet there is so much anxiety that comes with this step of faith. Will I raise the needed support? Will my ministry bear fruit and be glorifying to God? Will I be unbearably lonely? Will I ever learn the language or will I be lost and confused all the time? These are the thoughts continuously coursing through my head every minute of the day. There is a battle inside me where one side is excited, expectant, and convinced that God will provide and the other side wants to convince me that I will fail, be lonely, and that I am making the wrong decision. The only thing that calms my nerves and reminds me of why I am moving in the first place is resting on God’s truth. The verse I repeat to myself daily is Romans 4:20-21, “No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in faith, as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised”. We worship and serve a promise-keeper. He has promised to provide, and He will keep that promise. He has promised that He is enough for me, and He will keep that promise. How great is it that we can trust His plan which has been etched into time long before a human breathed breath on this Earth rather than our feeble, selfish plans and ambition.

I ask with all humility that you would pray for me. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as I prepare for my ministry. Pray for financial partners to be called to support me and the proclamation of the Gospel in Romania. And lastly, please pray for my future ministry in Romania. Pray that those who I will be ministering to will have softened hearts to hear the Gospel.

Thank you for reading and the support you all give me.

All glory to God,


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