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Support Me

I am so thankful for the unwavering support I have received during my time here. I am so encouraged by all of you and the financial support and prayers that allow me to follow God’s call on my life. I am looking for more monthly partners to allow me to continue to minister here in Romania. If you are not supporting me financially and would like to, you can do so here

God began sowing seeds of love in my heart for the country of Romania and its people two years ago during my first trip with LIFE Romania. I have felt God leading me to take this next step of faith and obedience in His plan for my life.


Would you be willing to join me in this effort? I have the opportunity to step out in faith and raise my own support for my ministry efforts. I need friends and family like you to join my support team and contribute to the advancement of the Gospel. If you are interested and want to hear how you can join my support team through financial giving please visit my support page or reach out through phone or email. I would love to get a meal or coffee with you to share about this ministry and God's work in Romania. Thank you for your support and prayers.


All donations are tax deductible.

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